How to set and get your goals in three easy steps

Goals - What’s the point?

People around the world have been goal setting for an eternity. If you look at the greatest achievements of mankind, few of them happened by accident. They were all carried out twice, first in the format of a goal / dream and second in reality.

After helping teams and individuals for over decade with goal setting and goal getting processes, I can confidently say that I have observed the below is true:

1.       Having a goal empowers people to enjoy and master the present moment

2.       The process of chasing a goal narrows our focus and thus increases our performance

3.       The awareness created in having a goal leads to better results

So if the above is true, then why do so many people struggle to achieve personal goals they set themselves? Hopefully the 3 simple steps below can assist you along your goal getting journey.

Step 1 Create meaning

Creating a goal usually starts with deciding we want to achieve something. We want to “lose weight”, “become more present” or “quit smoking / drinking”. We can be quick to decide what the goal is but don’t take the time to deeply understand why we want those things in the first place.

Often the process of achieving a goal has pain associated with it, whether it’s an early start or missing out on something we desire. As humans we are naturally wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain, so if the why or meaning behind the goal isn’t strong enough then when Mr Pain knocks on the front door at 6am it’s going to be a lot harder for us to answer the door and a lot easier for us to stay in bed enjoying the short-term pleasures.

The punchline? Your reason for setting the goal in the first place has to be more compelling than the short-term pleasures you will have to sacrifice along the way.

Step 2 Design the plan

It’s not enough to say “I want …” or “I want to become …”; some planning needs to take place to make a goal a reality. There are already many well-established and effective methods out there, such as the SMART system, making your goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound** or others prefer to use DUMB (which is smarter than it sounds) – Dream-driven, Uplifting, Method-friendly, Behaviour-driven. Whatever you choose, it’s important to find a system that works for you and review it on a regular basis to help you stay on track.

**The S.M.A.R.T concept was developed by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham in their book, A Theory of Goal Setting & Task Performance, published in 1990.

Your goal may be set in concrete but don’t be afraid to draw your plans in the sand. Some obstacles may pop up along the way and it’s your job to be flexible and respond positively to those challenges.

Step 3 Find your accountability partner

The greatest challenge with achieving goals is the great deal of self-discipline and willpower required to stay committed. Most people would do anything to keep commitments and promises to others but they suck at keeping their commitments to themselves. These people are essentially saying, “I don’t want to let others down, but I can let myself down”.

Can you relate to this? The types of excuses you can’t stand getting from others: “Sorry, I didn’t have time”, “I forgot” or “It’s not my fault” are the same ones you can quite comfortably tell yourself when you have failed to do something for you. Find an accountability partner, tell them what you are working on, and ask if they can check in with you from time to time to see how you’re going.

The three steps listed above aren’t rocket science and they’re not meant to be. Often it’s the simple things done well that can generate the greatest results.

As Jim Rohn said, “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment”. Perhaps the first goal is to review how you set goals and recognise where you could improve your process. Start small, show some discipline and you will be amazed with what you can achieve.


Perspective VS Reality


Gisborne District Council - Strengthening Mindset for Work & Life